JOLANCER NG > Requests > Graphics > Looking for graphic designer

Looking for graphic designer

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Request Description

Looking for graphic designer. I am having my blog and now i am converting that in to profession website. I am looking for graphic designer who can make new designs and change existing design for blog post..

I am having posts on my blog which has lots of images i am looking for someone who can edit that images and make it better for user experience.

All my blog post has images related to blog post..You have to make new images or you have to edit existing images to make it better. All the images on blogs was created by me and i am not graphic designer and because of this images are not looking good ;). Please check all the post and images on my blog and let me know if you need any other information.

Note:: I am having around 51 blog post and each blog post having graphical content.

Here is my blog link ::

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Registered on:
22, Mar 2021
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User Level #1
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