You will be trained by our web expects on how you would started getting a free domain and hosting server for your website.
Contact: 08104085737
Use this link to apply now
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Hosted Domains
400 MySQL Databases
10 E-mail Accounts
1 FTP Account
VistaPanel Control Panel
Limited Server Power
Community Forum
SSL Support
Limited PHP mail() support
Webmail and Forwarders
Custom MX, SPF and CNAME records
So what are you waiting for? Use this link to apply now
Please read the following information closely:
1. As an applicant to learn how to get a free domain name and hosting service for your website, You accept the conditions below.
2. To apply for this program you are to use only the link here to apply
3. The mode of payment is though Bank Deposit and Online Transfer to the following account details. Diamond Bank Plc, Account Name: Kingsley John, Account Number: 0060424751. Please ensure you send you payment details to 08104085737 for fast support.
4. This training is meant for only individuals who made payment to acquire the knowledge.
5. If you find the price too high for you, We can negotiate it.
Thanks And Best of Luck!!!
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