Social media management/marketing

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I will build you a strong follower base across social media platforms, create rich content to engage your followers and drive extra traffic to you website.

Leverage top social media marketing skills.

I will generate new leads directly from social media, engage with your customer base and carry out retargeting campaigns on social media.

I understand social media marketing and how to utilize the different channels for optimal results and I’ll create value in content that will be delivered to the right audience at the right time.

I will create different content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others because I understand they all serve different purposes to your business.

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PRICE FROM: ₦74971
Level 1 Seller offline
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Delivers in 10 days

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10 days
Registered on:
07, Aug 2020
User Level:
User Level #1
Avg Response Time:
1 day
I am a seasoned digital marketer/strategist. I have a core marketing foundation as i didn't just learn digital media and skills, i went back to learn the cores of marketing and business in general. i have completed several courses, including the once i didn't get certificates and i'm fully ready to deliver excellent service. i am a pro and i am principled and disciplined.
Views: 527