JOLANCER NG > Requests > Others > Create a simple software using C# .NET

Create a simple software using C# .NET

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Request Description

An advanced Tic-Tac-Toe game
This game aims to win the game on a 3 x 3 grid with the victory of three identical symbols (X or O) on horizontal,
diagonal, or vertical lines. The players will play alternately. This game has two options: player one against player
two or human against computer. When a human plays against the computer, there are two options: (a) Random
logic, where the computer randomly selects one of the empty boxes on the grid and places a symbol on that box
(X if the computer starts the game first, O if human starts the game first). (b) Smart logic that follows the steps
which will be given later.

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Registered on:
18, Oct 2022
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User Level #1
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